Musing on Movies: Just Say "No"

What do you think about smoking, drinking, and/or drug use in films? Doyou think that it affects whether or not/how much you use them? Do youthink it influences kids to use them? Do you think that films that showbinge drinking/getting drunk (not a glass of wine with dinner or JamesBond's martini) or smoking should automatically be rated R? (There is currently a proposal to the MPAA about this.)
Personally as long as it's not too over the top, I've got no problem with cigarettes or alcohol being shown in movies. I don't think that the rating categories should be changed either. I do have a problem with drug use, and when I watched "Trainspotting" with Ewen MacGregor I was actually quite shocked, I'd never really seen images like those before.
I do know that there was serious discussion during the filming of Lord of the Rings about Gandalf's pipe smoking and the blowing of smoke rings and whether they should be included in the plot in this modern day and age, fortunately Peter Jackson stayed true to Tolkien's original tale and those scenes didn't end up on the cutting room floor - although I've got to wonder just what was in the longbottom leaf pipe tobacco that Merry and Pippin were smoking after the battle of Isengard!!!
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