Musing on Movies - Trailers?

Movie trailers: some love them, others loathe them. What do you think of them? Do you make it a point to arrive in time to see them, or do you try hard to walk into the theater after they're over? Do you ever watch/download them on the internet? There is even a television show that that only shows movie trailers. Do you watch that show, or would you if it was available in your area?
I love watching trailers. Although down here, Merlin Cinemas seem to skip them completely most of the time, but then what do you expect from a completely imbocile independent cinema chain?
I look forward to watching trailers of big films and yes I have downloaded them off the net. I think the last one that I watched was for the new Harry Potter film. I remember star wars fans going to see movies that were showing the trailer for Episode I and then leaving the theatre before the actual film started that they'd paid to see - I wouldn't go that far myself though.
Since I don't have access to the trailers that I once did, I miss quite a lot of new films that come out - unless they are really major movies - they don't seem to make it down here at all.
When I was back in Kent we used to go to the cinema several times a week. I even started keeping a list of trailers that aired before the film because I noticed that UGC in Rochester were trailering movies that they didn't end up actually playing. I was making a list to form a massive complaint about - but that's all gone in the past now.